Call Us :+91-08462959797, 9617107911 ,Collage Code PR23000216 Email id : ,Addmition Open :- 2019,2020 ,Address- Elite Private I.T.I Near By Petrol Pump Chaupati ,District-Mandsaur,Madhya Pradesh, 458888

Manager And Principal Message

Mr. Antim Kumar Patidar

Principal Message

Instead of being afraid of such prestigious national level career, you must get ready to afford hard work under proper guidance. In this competitive era, you must check out your strategy to build up your career well in advance because your little bit late decision can give a big land to your competitors. It has been my Observation that most of such people go ahead during the time but others waste. Because success of a person depends on a series of little daily efforts which one has to earn it in proper time. If you want to be successful in Life then you must have to believe in action. Build up your career and let the dreams of your parents turn into reality. We think you would never like to lag behind your friends who already have decided their line of action because, the secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine & we, at Elite of Private Industrial Training Institute will take care of even your seconds.

Manager Message

Elite of Private Industrial Training Institute has been established with these objectives. It provides an atmosphere conducive to academic pursuits and multidimensional growth of the students. Ours is an institute with a big difference. Our basic aim is to produce capable, confident and highly knowledgeable technocrats, managers and entrepreneurs with global business skills and the mettle to excel in any given situation. Hence, every possible effort is being made by our meritorious and well chosen faculty to exhibit the hidden talents of the students and carve them in accordance to the present global needs .We also imbibe the spirit of work culture, which is the basic requirement in modern times. Moreover, we are in possession of modern infrastructure viz. computer center, library, laboratories, workshops etc. which are well suited to the needs of the students.

We do not merely believe in conventional methods of classroom study of prescribed syllabus or merely passing prescribed examinations but besides, we arrange seminars, symposiums, workshops and lectures by eminent scholars for students to develop an innovative vision and original approach in them.

Pawan Kumar Nebhwani